Hi! My name is Andy and Vinnie is my corkscrew…
….and we are on a mission. We are travelling the length and breadth of this enchanting country seeking out the finest artisanal wineries and vineyards for you to visit and enjoy the myriad of different wines they produce.
My love affair with Italy goes back almost 20 years to the time I was seated outside a bar in Florence, enjoying the spring sunshine on my pallid English skin, when I was captivated by the beautiful intonation of a waiter taking an order from another customer. I subsequently discovered that he was speaking Tuscan Italian, considered to be the purest form of the language. At the time I could not understand a word and I knew I had to learn it.
So the journey began and, along the way, I bought a house in Italy, obtained a Master’s in Art History and led tour groups all over Italy, all the time enjoying the fruits of the winemakers’ arts.
Now the time has come to share with you what I discovered along the way, as I look for those devoted artisans who dedicate themselves to the art of viticulture and seek to produce wines that reflect the land which gave birth to them. As the famous Italian intellectual and gastronome, Luigi Veronelli wrote, “Il vino è il canto della terra verso il cielo,” – wine is the earth’s song to the heavens. So join me and let’s seek out these songs together.